Depending on the time of year, the level of condensation in the air will determine the amount of rainfall you can expect to see. More rain means more pressure on your home guttering system. Let’s take a look at the signs that mean you may need to consider gutter repair to keep your home protected from increased moisture.

How Would I Know My Gutters Need Repairing?
Cracks –
If you notice any cracks or fractures in the material, this can compromise the entire guttering system. The water will then leak into the fascia of your home. In the long term, this means you can expect to see some water damage if the repairs are not performed quickly.
Sagging –
If you spot that your gutters are coming away from the property, this may mean that they’re sagging and this is generally caused by a buildup of debris, such as leaves, that have formed over the years.
Water Overflowing –
Water flowing over the sides of your guttering could mean that the gutters have been installed incorrectly and you need to have an expert take a look at them.
Garden Damage –
If water is flooding your grass from the damaged gutters, you could see some damage to your garden over time. The soil will become less dense and the ground becomes saturated.
Nails and Plastic –
Over time, your gutters will transport a lot of water and they work extremely hard. All this pressure may cause the nails and brackets to come away. If this is the case, gutter repair is needed to keep them in good shape as eventually, the instability will cause cracks.
Mould –
When your gutters aren’t working correctly, the water has to go somewhere, and this is generally down the side of the brickwork. Constant running water down the side of your home could cause moisture damage. You may notice mould in places close to the guttering system and it may even seep inside your home to cause long-term dampness.
Even outside colder months, the summer can put some extreme pressure on the guttering system. The heat can cause the guttering to warp, meaning it’s up to the job and may spill water. Consider having the gutters looked at by a professional service to ensure they stay in full working order.
A full gutter replacement can be costly, so ensuring you have had them inspected twice a year will avoid any stress or potentially some heavy costs later on.
Our team here at Gutter maintenance has the skill and experience to check on your home’s current system quickly and efficiently.
Whilst you may feel you can do the job yourself; a professional will have had professional training to ensure no damage is incurred to your home and own the proper tools to perform the task safely. Get in contact with us today via our contact form or call one of our offices closest to your home, numbers can be found at the top of our website.